Poem – The Poor by Anonymous

Bismillah alhamdulillah,

A very nice poem written by someone who prefers to remain anonymous came into my mail box today. Thank you to the author:

The poor and destitute we remember not

Even though they toil through the cold and hot

We must remember every blessing we have got

and pay heed to the Day when all friends and family will be forgot.


The outstretched hand is a blessing indeed

Ne’er look away,’ tis a person who is in dire need.

Even a smile will be counted as a charitable deed

Let us  remove from our heats all traces of greed.


We will need the blessings of the poor, on the Day when we will quiver

to give to the poor is a blessing to the giver.

They will pray for us, from the Almighty Forgiver

We pray that Allah Almighty, to Heaven He will deliver.