Machiavelli’s advice on ruling others: reduce them to rubble, live there or install puppets

Bismillah, alhamdulillah.

A short comment piece from the Guardian on the amoral rather than immoral nature of the modern world. Of course from an Islamic point of amorality is itself an immorality.

“Machiavelli’s moral universe is not one of unredeemed or unredeemable immorality, therefore. It is subtler, more amoral than immoral. By all means, govern well, execute sparingly, respect institutions, and invite honest advice, Machiavelli says, while in the same breath telling the prince that he must execute some of the coldest and most brutal acts of political violence.

So, for example, he reports that there are three ways of keeping control over newly conquered but previously self-governing states: “Reduce them to rubble ? go and live there yourself ? let them go on living under their own laws ? and install a [puppet] government.” Each has its own merits but “the truth is that the only sure way to hold such places is to destroy them”. That isn’t mandatory. You may decide not to raze them, in which case “the best way to hold a previously self-governing city it with the help of its own citizens”. But it is still an option.”